
Playground and Playset Rules to Encourage Safe Play


Put a child on a playground or a playset and you can be sure they will be engaged for hours, discovering, creating and squeezing every drop of fun out of them, but if proper safety measures are not taken, a playground or a playset can become dangerous.

As a parent or caregiver, it’s important that adults establish rules for safe play and make sure that children follow them. These rules may depend on the age of the children, the kind of sets on the playground or the accessories on the sets, but without them, something as innocent as playing could mean trouble.


Here Are Some Ideas For Encouraging Safe Play in Playsets

Check the playset!

Before allowing children to jump on it and play, make sure that it’s in good condition and safe to use. Watch out for sharp edges or worn out parts that could tear or break.

Use appropriate equipment!

Ideally, children should play on a playset that is appropriate for their age and their size; it can be risky for the little ones to use a playset that has been designed for older kids. Also, make sure that children wear comfortable clothing and rubber-soled shoes when playing on the set.


Children should be supervised at all times when playing in a playground or a swingset. The little ones must be supervised closely to make sure that they don’t put themselves at risk by climbing too high or swinging too fast.

One at a time!

One at a time! Have kids take turns to use the different features on a playset; one person at a time is the rule to avoid collisions and other accidents. This is especially important on swings and slides.


Kids Safe Playset Rules


Wait for your turn!

Teach children to wait for their turn to use the playset. Encourage them to be patient with and respectful of the other kids who are playing.

Don’t push!

Don’t push! Teach children not to push or shove each other in the playground or on the playset, they could end up getting hurt or even causing a more serious accident


Children should be supervised at all times when playing in a playground or a swingset. The little ones must be supervised closely to make sure that they don’t put themselves at risk by climbing too high or swinging too fast.

One at a time!

One at a time! Have kids take turns to use the different features on a playset; one person at a time is the rule to avoid collisions and other accidents. This is especially important on swings and slides.


Understand the Swing Sets Rules


No rough play!

Make it a serious rule to avoid rough play on the playground or playset; activities like wrestling, running or jumping when playing on a playset could lead to injury.

Don’t push!

Teach children not to push or shove each other in the playground or on the playset, they could end up getting hurt or even causing a more serious accident

Check surroundings!

Show children the importance of being aware of everything around them. They should watch out for each other and any other kids who are using the playset. Watching out for obstacles and hazards on the playground or playset is something that the older kids can easily do for themselves and for the little ones.

Wash hands!

Remind kids to wash their hands after playing in a playground or a playset to prevent the spread of germs and possible illness.


Explaining patiently why rules are important and what could happen if they are not followed is a good way to ensure safe play for everyone in the playground or on the playset; understanding rules makes them easy to follow.

Once children understand that rules only help make the experience safer and more fun, go ahead and let them play! By following these playground and playset rules, you can help ensure safe play for any and every child playing there. Remember to always supervise kids while they are playing and to report any problems or concerns to the appropriate authorities in the case of a public playground.

Safe play is essential for children’s physical and emotional well being, and it is up to parents and caregivers to encourage it and reinforce it.

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