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Is it better to build a swing set or to buy one?

It can be a lot of fun to get into DIY projects for your home and family, and building your own swing set or playset sounds like a really cool one and even like a way to save some money, but there are a few things to consider before you dive into this particular undertaking. At first, it might seem cheaper than buying one already built, but that is not always true, here’s why:

Cost comparison 

  • To build your own swing set or playset, you will need to buy all the wood for the set itself, plus all the screws, nuts, bolts and other things to hold it together. There are also special swing set parts you will need to buy, like swing hangers, and all these parts can add up quickly. You will also have to consider the tools you need for this endeavor, whether you buy them or rent them, it all adds to the cost.
  • Prebuilt swing sets are more streamlined, come with all the necessary components and some even include a warranty. They are normally installed by a trained crew who will make sure that the set is properly attached in all its parts and held onto the ground safely.
built your swing set

Time and effort

  • Building a swing set or playset from scratch takes a lot of time and hard work. You have to plan everything very carefully, measure all the materials, cut them into the exact sizes and then put them together. All these are not things you can do quickly and you must consider the safety of the set; you need to be able and willing to put in enough time and a lot of effort to get it done properly.
  • Playsets and swing sets that you purchase ready-built, arrive at the site ready for installation, saving a significant amount of time and lots of effort.


Skill requirements

  • Building a swing set or a playset all on your own will require you to know about carpentry and you will need special tools for cutting and shaping the wood, as well as to know how to use them. Safety is also super important, so you will need to understand how structures are put together securely to avoid having anything come apart in mid-play.
  • Prebuilt playsets do not require specialized skills, as the manufacturer has already taken care of the design, engineering and construction, ensuring safety and functionality.

Safety and quality

  • When you’re making a swing set yourself, there’s a chance you might make mistakes that could result in the set not being very safe or to not work as well as it should. Any loose beam or bolt can eventually result in an accident and a child or family member getting seriously hurt. 
  • When swing sets and playsets are made in a factory, they go through a lot of tests to make sure they are perfectly safe and that they work like they are supposed to, which is why buying a prebuilt set makes sense, as it will always be the safest choice.

Convenience and Warranty

  • When you build your own swing set or playset, you won’t have the benefit of having all its parts come directly out of a box, since you will have to buy everything, making sure the measurements are correct and every part is the right one. If something goes wrong, like a part breaks or doesn’t fit quite right, you wouldn’t have a warranty to cover it, and if you need help or have questions along the way, you might not have anyone to turn to.
  • When you purchase a playset that is already put together, you will not have to do all the hard work yourself and all the parts are already cut and measured with clean precision. If anything should go wrong or you need help, most of the time there is a warranty to cover it or client support to answer any questions and give you a hand. The installation crew will make sure everything goes smoothly from the start and will be happy to help you solve any issue in the future.

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Basically, when it comes down to it, making your own swing set or playset could be a fun DIY project as well as an interesting experience but buying one that is already made could be less expensive, it will save you a lot of time and hard work, and will also guarantee it is safe and well-made to give your kids and your family the best swinging, sliding and climbing experience possible.

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